The Policy Describes


Live At Present only collects, uses, and/or discloses your personally identifiable information with your consent. This privacy policy identifies the ways in which your personally identifiable information will be collected, used, and disclosed. In addition, the site may ask for your express consent in connection with various offers and events. Regardless, by using the site and/or by providing Live At Present with your personally identifiable information and engaging in a transaction with Live At Present, you thereby consent to Live At Present’s collection, use, and disclosure as described herein.

What personally identifiable information Live At Present collects.

In connection with your use of our site, we may collect and store the following information:

  • The domain name, but not the e-mail address of visitors to our site;
  • The e-mail addresses of users who communicate with us via the site or via email;
  • Aggregate information on what pages on our site users access or visit;
  • Information provided by the user, such as through information you post in a public space/forum on the site and/or on a third-party social media site, registration on the site, email update requests, and/or general requests for information (this may include information about your interests and activities, your gender and age, and other demographic information);
  • Information identifying you, such as your name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number; and
  • Information in connection with and/or about your transactions with us and transactions with third parties, such as your payment method (valid credit or debit card number, type, expiration date or other financial information).

How Live At Present Uses Your Personal Information

In General:  By providing Live At Present with your personally identifiable information in connection with your use of Live At Present’s services and/or any of the features/functions of the site, you consent to Live At Present’s collection and use of your Personally Identifiable Information as follows:

  • To provide the products and services requested via the site;
  • To improve the site and provide customer support (including the administration of site usage, monitoring traffic levels, and contacting you regarding improvements we make to our site and services);
  • To manage and measure your use of the site;
  • To analyze your use of the products and services offered by Live At Present (including the use of your IP address to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use);
  • To improve upon the products and services offered by Live At Present;
  • To provide targeted marketing and advertising to you of products and services offered by Live At Present and/or third parties associated with Live At Present;
  • To enforce Live At Present’s terms and conditions (including the terms and conditions of this privacy policy);
  • To protect our company, our fans, and our site; and
  • To otherwise conduct Live At Present business as otherwise described to you.

We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement.

Newsletter: In order to receive Live At Present newsletters and other messaging from Live At Present, a user may first be required to register. During registration a user gives contact information (such as name and email address). We use this information to deliver the newsletter and/or contact the user about services on the site for which the user has expressed interest. We may use your email address to contact you directly regarding services, products or information that we believe might interest you. We may also share your email address with our third-party partners who may also contact you directly regarding services, products or information that we believe might interest you.

Cookies:  A cookie is a small data file that certain websites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you’ve visited.  When you register at the site, Live At Present uses a cookie to store a unique, random user ID. We do not store passwords or any personal information about you. We may use this ID to identify you anonymously in our database and to track information while you are on our site. Cookies also enable you to enter the site as a registered user without having to login each time. You can refuse cookies by turning them off in your browser. You do not need to have cookies turned on to use the site. However, if you turn off cookies, then you may not be able to utilize certain features of the site.

What personally identifiable information third parties receive from or collect through the site.

Disclosure to Third Parties:

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about you to anyone, except with your consent and as permitted by law, in the following situations:

Limited Information to Providers / Business PartnersLive At Present may share aggregate information about our users with advertisers, business partners, sponsors and other third parties, for various purposes including for marketing, ad targeting, measurement services, and other advertising purposes. We partner with certain third parties to provide specific services. For example, ticketing, internet connectivity, computer crime investigation, incident response, web hosting, etc and these may be handled by similar third parties. These third parties may use cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to collect or receive information from the site, Live At Present apps, and elsewhere on the internet, and may use that information to provide measurement services, ad targeting, and other advertising services. These third parties are not allowed to use personally identifiable information except in conjunction with providing these services.

Business Transactions:  In the event Live At Present goes through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of a portion of its assets, users’ personal information will, in most instances, be part of the assets transferred.

Surveys and Contests:  From time-to-time our site may request information from users via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and the user; therefore, has a choice whether or not to disclose this information. The requested information typically includes contact information (such as name and shipping address), and demographic information (such as zip code). Contact information will be shared with the contest or survey sponsors and used to notify the winners and award prizes. The terms of a contest may provide, among other things, that the identities of the contest winners may be made public. Survey information may also be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of the site. Though we may use an intermediary to conduct these surveys or contests, they may not use users’ personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.

Required by Law:  Finally, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law when we believe that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order, criminal investigation, and/or legal process.

What choices are available to users regarding collection, use and distribution of the information.

If you prefer that we not disclose nonpublic personal information about you to nonaffiliated third parties (for measurement services, ad targeting, advertising, and/or other services), you may opt out of those disclosures; that is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than disclosures permitted by law). If you receive communications from us that you do not want to receive, you can opt-out from receiving these communications, by specifically telling us to stop sending them to you. Users who no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications may opt-out of receiving these communications by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email or emailing us at

On rare occasions it is necessary to send out a strictly service-related announcement. For instance, if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance we might send users an email. Generally, users may not opt-out of these communications, though they can deactivate their account. However, these communications are not promotional in nature.

We will apply the Opt-Out policies discussed above in the event we propose to disclose your information to a third party.

Do Not Track. Our websites and apps are not designed to respond to “do not track” requests from browsers.

What types of security procedures are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under Live At Present’s control.

n GeneralLive At Present maintains certain safeguards to guard your nonpublic personal information from unauthorized and/or unnecessary use and/or disclosure.  For example, Live At Present restricts access to your nonpublic personal information to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you. Live At Present requires its clients and service providers to protect your personal information and comply with all applicable privacy laws.  The exact type of security utilized depends on the type of information collected.

Please note: emails and other information you send to us is not encrypted and cannot be considered a secure means of transmitting sensitive information.  For that reason, Live At Present will never ask you to submit your financial data such as your credit card account numbers, via e-mail. You should be aware of the limitations of security, authentication, encryption, and privacy measures used in connection with the Internet and that any information you transmit through the site may be damaged, corrupted, “sniffed” and/or accessed by another person without your permission.

Regardless of the precautions taken by you or by us, “perfect security” does not exist on the Internet.  Although we take all reasonable efforts to protect your privacy, we cannot ensure or warrant the ultimate security of any information you transmit.

Linked Sites:  The site may contain links to other websites. Live At Present is not responsible for content or the privacy practices of any other such sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our Site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this site.

Children’s Privacy:  Our site is not directed at children under the age of 13 and does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If Live At Present obtains actual knowledge that it has obtained personal information about a child under the age of 13, that information is immediately and permanently deleted from our records.

How users can access and/or correct any inaccuracies in the information.

If you would like to review your Personal Information, if you have a comment, question or request regarding your Personal Information, if you would like to correct inaccurate information, or if you would like to complain about how Live At Present handles your personal information, there are three easy ways to do so:

  1. E-mail: You can email us at
  2. By Telephone: You may call us at _________. If you call after normal business hours, please leave a message and your telephone number. We will get back to you as quickly as possible. Normal office hours are________ through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. 
  3. By U.S. Mail: Send mail to ____________

Changes to Privacy Policy

Live At Present may occasionally change this Privacy Policy. If we do, we will post the changes on the site. The changes will take effect as soon as posted. We recommend that all users periodically review the site to become familiar with any changes to this Privacy Policy and/or any other Live At Present policy.