Bag Policy

Festival Terms of Use

Please read these Festival Ticket Terms (“Terms” or “Agreement”) carefully, as they affect your
future legal rights. These Terms apply to the event or festival described on this website (the

All Event tickets, wristbands, passes, permissions, authorizations and entry methods (whether
physical or digital and whether for a patron or their vehicle) (collectively, “Tickets”) are subject to
these Terms. By accepting possession or by using any Ticket or by entering the Event, User
agrees to all Terms and is legally bound to comply with these Terms. The original Authorized
Purchaser and any Authorized Recipient (defined below) agrees to inform all of their respective
guests of these Terms with due diligence. The Event producer reserves the right, at its
discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms at any time. Please check
back periodically for changes.

User understands that the Event shall be presented in accordance with applicable venue
policies, public health, safety and security policies, including local public health and safety
policies and CDC guidelines, as of the date of such Event and which may change at any time as
determined by federal, state or local government agencies or instrumentalities, the venue
operator, artists and/or the Event producer/promoter; such requirements may include, without
limitation, changes to capacity, attendance procedures and entry requirements, and other
protective measures. If User does not comply with any laws, mandates, health orders or
directives, promoter or Event and venue terms, conditions or rules, then the Event
producer/promoter or venue operator may refuse admission or require User to leave the Event
and User will not be entitled to a refund. Please visit the Event website for the most up-to-date
Event policies, protocols and procedures.

Tickets evidence a revocable license to enter the Event property. Violation of these Terms of
use may result in revocation of the license without prior notice.

All publicly sold Tickets are for use by the original authorized purchaser and their invited
guest(s) only (each an “Authorized Purchaser”), and are not transferable by the Authorized
Purchaser, any of their invited guests, or any other person. Likewise, all Tickets provided to
performing artists, production personnel, vendors, sponsors, and other guests of the Event
producer (each an “Authorized Recipient”), are for use by the Authorized Recipient and his or
her invited guest(s) only, and are not transferable by the Authorized Recipient, his or her invited
guest(s), or any other person. Authorized Purchasers and Authorized Recipients are referred to
individually as a “User” Tickets obtained from unauthorized sources may be counterfeit and are

Except as provided herein, Tickets may not be sold, transferred, or used for any form of
commercial or trade purposes, including but not limited to promotions, contests, commercial or
advertising purposes, housing, hotels, vacation rentals, sweepstakes, charitable giveaways, or
other activities absent the Event producer’s prior written consent. No sponsorship, on site
marketing, sampling, vending, coupon/product distribution, or other promotional activity may be
conducted at the Event (inclusive of parking lots), absent the Event producer’s prior written
approval in each instance. Any Tickets used in violation of this provision shall be deemed
revoked and void, and their bearers deemed trespassers at the Event.
Resale or attempted resale of Tickets is grounds for termination of the license and cancellation
of the Ticket.

User grants the Event producer (and its designees) the right to include User's image, likeness,
actions, and statements in any live or recorded audio, video, film, webcast, stream, or other
transmission, exhibition, simulcast, or reproduction made of, or at, the Event in any medium or
context for any purpose, including commercial or promotional purposes, without further
authorization or otherwise.

The Event producer owns the trademarks, imagery, name, likeness, and trade dress of the
Event (collectively, the “Event Intellectual Property”) and generally does not permit the use of
the Event Intellectual Property by third parties. User agrees not to make use of the Event
Intellectual Property except for nominative fair use or with prior written permission from the
Event producer.

The Event producer retains all webcast/Internet rights to the Event. Any live streams or
broadcasts, whether for Internet or otherwise, from the Event must be specifically agreed to in
advance with the Event producer. No one may transmit, broadcast, or communicate any live
audio or audiovisual images from the Event site without the Event producer’s prior written
permission. As an example, this prohibition includes, but is not limited to, use of any service
which broadcasts to the Internet. Even if User is a performer or sponsor, the broadcasting,
displaying, or communicating of any live audio or audiovisual images (whether for personal,
commercial, or other use) is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the
Event producer.

Without the express prior written permission of the Event producer, Users may not bring any
audio or video recording devices (except for personal cell phones) into the Event.

Users may bring personal, non-commercial, photography devices into the Event and may use
these devices to obtain short-form video and still photographs (collectively “Personal Content”).
By way of example, personal, non-commercial, photography and video devices include, but are
not limited to, cell phones, small digital or film cameras (without a detachable lens).
Without the express prior written permission of the Event producer, User may not bring any of
the following devices into the Event: 

Any photography device which is designed for, or suitable
for, any commercial purpose, selfie sticks, tripods, monopods, boom arms, any device which
could be used to mount or hold a photography device or could be used to extend User’s reach.
Event producer reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to prohibit any device it believes may be
used in violation of these Terms, which it believes poses a safety risk, or which it believes may
lessen the enjoyment of the Event by others.

commercial use may include, but is not limited to, posting Personal Content on a website that
sells a product, or displays any ads or sponsored links; using or causing Personal Content to
appear in any publication, magazine, serial, or book; using Personal Content to sell, sponsor, or
endorse a product; or using Personal Content on any website that is or appears to be affiliated
or associated with, or sponsored by the Event or the Event producer. Event producer reserves
the right to prohibit any use of Personal Content which it believes is in violation of the Terms.
Event producers in its sole discretion may determine what constitutes a commercial use not
permitted by the Terms.

Users may use Personal Content for User’s own direct, noncommercial, use. Examples of
direct, noncommercial use include, but are not limited to, posting Personal Content on User’s
own personal social media account (e.g., TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter); posting
Personal Content to personal website or personal content sharing site (unless the account,
personal website or personal content sharing site is affiliated or associated with a commercial
use); and sharing Personal Content with User’s personal friends or family (whether in electronic
or physical media). Direct, noncommercial, use never involves posting of Personal Content on
any website or server, or in any other media whether electronic or physical, which sells any
product or service, or features or contains any advertisements or sponsored links, or which
purports or appears in any way, to be an official or affiliated website of the Event or the Event
producer. Without the express prior written permission of the Event producer, User may not sell,
transfer, license, sublicense, give or otherwise transfer any Personal Content or ownership
Without the express prior written permission of the Event producer, Personal Content that
contains any nudity or partial nudity or footage of Event Artist performances may not be used for
any purpose.

Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by the Event producer, User assigns to Event
producer the exclusive ownership to User’s Personal Content and to any audio recordings taken
at the event by User. Event producer may execute any assignment documents on User's behalf
as necessary to perfect Event producer’s ownership, and User appoints Event producer as
User’s attorney-in-fact to execute any such documents for User. User further acknowledges,
agrees to, and consents to Event producer registering the copyright with one or more copyright
authorities, including but not limited to the United States Copyright Office, and listing the User’s
contribution as anonymous.
Event producer, as the copyright owner, has the right, but not the obligation, and at its sole
discretion, to enforce its copyright rights in any Personal Content or audio or video recordings
taken at the event not permitted by the Terms.
Event producer assigns to User the non-exclusive right to use User’s Personal Content for
User’s own direct, noncommercial, use as permitted in the Terms. All other rights not assigned
by Event producer to User are retained by Event producer. Any violation of the Terms shall be
grounds for Event producer to cancel the assignment to User.

Event Artists and set times are subject to change without notice.

Users consent to have medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of an
injury, accident, or illness during the Event and affirmatively releases the Event producer and all
persons participating in such medical treatment from all responsibility for any such actions.

User, User’s vehicle, and User’s belongings may be searched upon entry into the Event, and
User consents to such searches and waives any related claims that might arise against the
Event producer and its agent. If User elects not to consent to such searches, User may be
denied entry into the Event.

In addition to those items prohibited elsewhere in these Terms or on the Event website, without
the express prior written permission of the Event producer, User may not bring any of the
following items into the Event (or cause any of items to enter the Event): glass bottles,
aluminum bottles, knives, explosives, sling shots, weapons of any other kind, Frisbees, flags,
skateboards, roller skates, hoverboards, laser pointers, drones of any kind, remote controlled

devices or remote controlled toys, large backpacks, and other items as designated by Event
producer. Event producer reserves the right to refuse admission to or eject any person, at Event
producer’s sole discretion, whose conduct is disorderly, disruptive, or who fails to follow the
Event’s rules or directions, or whose language is vulgar or abusive.

Assumption of Risk. User understands and agrees that there are certain risks of personal or
property injury, illness and/or death associated with attending the Event, including, without
limitation, risks related to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and any resulting disease
(together with any mutation, adaptation or variation thereof, “COVID-19”). User understands and
agrees (a) that the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and/or any other virus cannot be fully
eliminated and is increased by proximity to other people, (b) that an inherent and elevated risk
of exposure to COVID-19 and/or any other virus exists in any public place or place where
people are gathered, (c) that attending the Event may involve coming into close contact with
other people, (d) that there is no guarantee, express or implied, that User will not be exposed to
COVID-19 and/or any other virus and (e) that exposure to COVID-19 and/or any other virus can
result in being subject to quarantine requirements, illness, disability, and other short-term and
long-term health effects, including death.
Despite these risks, User voluntarily assumes ALL known and potential risk and danger of injury
and/or death from any cause, resulting from, in connection with, or incidental to the Event,
including exposure to COVID-19 and/or any other virus. By accepting possession or by using
any Ticket, User expressly assumes all risks and dangers arising from or incidental to the Event,
whether such risks occur before, during, or after the Event and agrees that the Releases
(defined below) are not responsible for any such risks and dangers.
Waiver. User forever releasees, waives, discharges and agrees not to sue the following: the
Event owner(s); Event producer(s); Event promoter(s); Event performers, artists and their
managers, agents, furnishing companies and representatives; the Event ticketing agency and/or
ticketing services provider; Anschutz Entertainment Group, Inc.; AEG Presents LLC;
Goldenvoice, LLC and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, owners,
members, managers, officers, directors, past and present employees, volunteers, agents,
representatives, successors, trustees, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”)
from any known or unknown claims, losses, damages, liability, demands, actions, injury or
death, including those relating to COVID-19 or any other illness or injury that User may sustain
while at the Event, regardless of whether caused by the negligence or other fault of the
Releasees or any third party (collectively, “Claims” or, as used individually, a “Claim”).
For California residents: I understand that this Waiver applies to Claims which I may not know or
suspect to exist and I knowingly and voluntarily waive such rights, including those under
California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides: “A general release does not extend to
claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, and that if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.”

User further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Releasees from any and all claims,
demands, liabilities and/or damages arising from all Claims and User’s conduct, acts or
omissions during the Event. In no event shall Releasees be liable for consequential or indirect

Limitation of Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, none of the Releasees
are or will be responsible or liable to User or to any third party for, and User expressly waives all
rights to seek any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other
damages under any theory of liability, arising out of or relating in any way to the Terms, the
Ticket and/or the Event (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such loss or
damages, or such loss or damages were reasonably foreseeable).

Unless prohibited by federal law, User and Releasees (the “Parties” or, individually, a “Party”)
agree to arbitrate any and all Claims, except for Claims concerning the validity, scope or
enforceability of this Arbitration Agreement, through BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION.
This Arbitration Agreement involves interstate commerce and shall be governed by the Federal
Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16 (“FAA”), and not by state law.
In any claim or dispute to be resolved by arbitration, neither Party will be able to have a court or
jury trial or participate in a class action or class arbitration. Other rights that the Parties would
have if the Parties went to court will not be available or will be more limited in arbitration,
including the right to appeal. Each Party understands and agrees that by requiring each other to
resolve all disputes through individual arbitration, WE ARE EACH WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A
ARBITRATION OR ANY SIMILAR PROCEEDING. The arbitrator(s) may not consolidate the
claims of multiple parties.
Arbitrations shall be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) pursuant to
the applicable AAA rules in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated. User may obtain
information about arbitration, arbitration procedures and fees from AAA by calling 800-778-7879
or visiting If AAA is unable or unwilling to arbitrate a dispute, then the dispute may
be referred to any other arbitration organization or arbitrator the Parties both agree upon in
writing or that is appointed pursuant to Section 5 of the FAA. The arbitration shall take place in
the federal judicial district where the Event took place, or in another location on which the
Parties agree. The arbitrator shall be authorized to award any relief that would have been
available in court, provided that the arbitrator’s authority is limited to the Parties alone, except as
otherwise specifically stated herein. No arbitration decision will have any preclusive effect as to

non-parties. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding. The Parties agree that this
Arbitration Agreement extends to any other parties involved in any Claims, including but not
limited to anyone for whom User purchases Tickets and Releasees’ employees, affiliated
companies and vendors. This Arbitration Agreement shall take precedence over the rules of the
arbitration organization or arbitrator in the event of any conflict.
The Parties each may exercise any lawful rights to seek provisional remedies or self-help,
without waiving the right to arbitrate by doing so. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement, if the foregoing class action waiver and prohibition against class arbitration is
determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then this entire Arbitration Agreement shall be void. If
a claim is brought seeking public injunctive relief and a court determines that the restrictions in
the Arbitration Agreement prohibiting the arbitrator from awarding relief on behalf of third parties
are unenforceable with respect to such claim (and that determination becomes final after all
appeals have been exhausted), the claim for public injunctive relief will be determined in court
and any individual claims will be arbitrated. In such a case, the court shall stay the claim for
public injunctive relief until the arbitration pertaining to individual relief has been entered in
court. In no event will a claim for public injunctive relief be arbitrated. If any portion of this
Arbitration Agreement other than the class action waiver and prohibition against class arbitration
is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not invalidate the remaining portions of this
Arbitration Agreement. This Arbitration Agreement will survive the termination of this
Agreement, your fulfillment or default of your obligations under this Agreement, and/or the
Parties’ bankruptcy or insolvency (to the extent permitted by applicable law).
EXERCISE THIS RIGHT PROMPTLY. If User does not wish to be bound by this agreement to
arbitrate, User must notify us in writing within sixty (60) days after the date User signs this
Agreement. User must send his or her request to The request must
include User's full name, address, invoice number, and the statement “I reject the Arbitration
Agreement contained in the Festival Ticket Terms.”; If User exercises his/her right to reject
arbitration, the other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if User had
not rejected arbitration.

Any breach of these Terms by the User will cause irreparable injury to Event producer and User
consents to injunctive relief to prevent or mitigate any irreparable injury.

Except as otherwise stated in the Arbitration Agreement above, any Claim arising from or
relating to these Terms, the Event, or our dealings with one another, whether based in contract,
tort, fraud or otherwise and regardless of the place of User’s residence, is governed by, and
construed in accordance with, federal and California law, without regard to conflict of laws
principles. If any provision of these Terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason

unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and shall not
affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

No sponsorship, on site marketing, sampling, vending, coupon/product distribution, or other
promotional/advertising activity may be conducted at the Event (inclusive of parking lots),
absent the Event producer’s prior written approval in each instance.
The Event producer reserves all rights not expressly granted to User. The terms and restrictions
noted on the website of the Event producer’s designated ticketing company, and its Privacy
Policy and Terms of Use, available on the Event website, are also included herein by reference.
In the event of any conflict, the terms on this page shall prevail.